Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12 CHALLENGE

Course code: MFNS-12IC-
Credits: 4

Contemporary Indigenous Studies 12 Challenge is an ability-grouped class for gifted learners. The following Big Ideas will be included:  The identities, worldviews, and language of indigenous peoples are renewed, sustained, and transformed through the connection to the land, indigenous peoples are reclaiming mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being despite the continuing effects of colonialism, indigenous peoples continue to advocate and assert rights to self-determination, and reconciliation requires all colonial societies to work together to foster healing and address injustices.

Learning standards include:

  • the varied identities and worldviews of indigenous peoples, and the importance of the interconnection of family, relationships, language, culture, and the land
  • factors that sustain and challenge the identities and worldviews of indigenous peoples
  • the resilience and survival of indigenous peoples in the face of colonialism
  • community development, partnerships, and control of economic opportunities
  • responses to inequities in the relationships of indigenous peoples with governments in Canada and around the world
  • restoring balance through truth, healing, and reconciliation in Canada and around the world