Do you want to build a video game? This linear course combines English Language Arts New Media 11 with Media Design 11 and introduces students to different aspects of game design and creation. Through the process of game design students will develop an understanding of voice, storytelling, character design, themes, and the ethical and moral issues associated with media development. Students in the course will alternate between developing their own games and critically responding to published video games, films, written texts, and other forms of media. This enmeshed design will ensure students cover the curriculum for both courses within the same space. The course will be anchored by two major events: a video game competition in December/January, and a video game showcase in June. The December/January competition will involve teams of students from schools around the South Island showcasing their work. The June showcase will involve students presenting their video game to game developers currently working in the industry.
New Media 11/Media Design 11
Credits: 8